Friday 30 September 2011

Project 2: Side-Bar Design

One of the most important parts of a website is the way in which it looks. I have an annoying ability to never be settled with a design I have created. In order to combat this, the best thing to do is just make one design and stick to it. Instead of trying to decide between many.

This is my design idea. I have loosely based it on Windows 8's Metro UI, in the sense that it has rectangular shapes that are separated from one another by small gaps. If an item is selected it is highlighted to the darker colour, as shown in the second image on the "Blog" tab.

Of course, in the final design the colour scheme may change. In addition, if I choose to go with this design, small elements may change. For example, the gaps between each "tab" may get bigger.

I will focus on the looks of each page next, trying to keep in line with the design that has been set by the side-bar.

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