Monday 26 September 2011

Project 2: Kysel Website

I've decided that I would like to have my own website, it's a bit more "free" than a blog (although I will still be having a blog on it). I will continue to update this blog until the site is completed, where I will then convert everything over.

The Plan
Well, I am going to start by using a free hosting site, X10 Hosting. Which is absolutely brilliant, they supply nearly everything you get from paid services. The only down-side being that I have to use one of their sub-domain addresses, at least until I can afford to buy my own domain name.

For now, I have settled on, which isn't too bad i guess. Considering I'm paying nothing for it.

The Site
As for the site itself, it doesn't exactly need to be "content rich". The following will suffice:

- Home
Just your average home page, updates from all sections of the site with the occasional random thing (like thought of the day for example).

- Projects
A page dedicating to detailing each of my projects, which maybe branches off to each project having its own page.

- Blog
An embedded blog, much like the current one. This will probably be run on wordpress software as X10 Hosting has 1-click support. I might make my own them for it so it fits in better as well.

- Forum
A little forum where discussion can be had about my projects or just about anything that may be of interest. Projects are a lot more fun when you have people supporting you, I wouldn't say no to picking up some helpers either. After all, I'm sure that there are people I can learn a lot from.

- Contact
A contact page similar to the one here on the blog, but with added features, such as a CV download.

- About
A page dedicated to talking about myself and what I wish to achieve.

Later, I will discuss some design ideas for the website. This will include things such as layout and colour scheme. But for now, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

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