Monday 19 September 2011

Project 1: GameDev - Introduction

After getting accustomed to all this blogging stuff. I've decided that I should start on my first project, and boy, this is going to be one long ride. I have an ultimate vision in my mind for where I want this to end up. Firstly, I don't think I have the skills and secondly, the scale of this is unimaginable. These are the perfect ingredients to improve my skills.

Throughout the documentation of this game I intend to format my blogs in an easy to understand way. By keeping each post's design consistent, I hope that you guys will be able to follow it easily. For the planning stage of the game, The format will largely consist of a subject or "object" of the game, which I will then try to dissect down to the smallest details that will need to be required. I think that if I get down "everything" that I want the game to have, I can build towards it by adding it all in piece by piece.

What is GameDev?
By now, you are probably wandering, "What is GameDev?". Well, GameDev is an idea I came across whilst playing a wonderful little game called GameBiz (give it a try!!!). In reality, I will be creating the same sort of game as GameBiz, but I think I can make it so much better.

The aim of GameDev will be to create a game where the user works their way through from the beginning of game development(1980's or so), to the future (2030 +). As a game developer. At first, you will start with next to nothing. In order to progress you will have to employ, create game engines, games, consoles, publish games and in general, build up your company.

As if this wasn't already a difficult enough task. I will need to implement as many companies, games and consoles into the game as possible, complete with release dates and how successful they are. This will create a basis for the AI.

And Finally...
So, that's all for the introduction. In the coming weeks I will try to detail each and every part of the game. Ensuring that the foundation is nailed down. If you have any ideas or If you would even like to be a part of this project, feel free to contact me.

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